If you would like to request resources or support for your unit, please answer the questions below and submit your responses to the appropriate USO contact. We will contact you once we receive your request, and will let you know if and how we can best support your request or event.
For requests in Nevada, please email your responses to Sara Bell at sbell@uso.org.
For requests in Utah, please email your responses to Tina Jensen at tjensen@uso.org.
For requests in Arizona, please email Aimee Randazzo at ARandazzo@USO.org.
Request for USO Support
Base / Squadron / Unit Requesting Support:
Branch of Unit:
Name of Event:
Date of Event:
Event Time:
Event Location:
Description of Event:
Is this a Training Event:
What type of support are you requesting?:
Are USO Volunteers requested to work the event? If Yes, in what capacity?
If necessary, please provide contact information for sponsor required for base access:
How many military service members will attend?
Is this event for cadre (permanent party), students, or both?
How many dependent family members spouses will attend?
How many dependent family member children will attend?
How many military retirees will attend?
How many civilians will attend?
Please list any other information or factors that may be pertinent for USO staff to know: (hardships, deployment, extenuating circumstances):
Primary Contact Name:
Primary Contact Email:
Primary Contact Phone Number:
Our team asks that, if at all possible, you provide at least 60-days notice before the event. This ensures our team has adequate time to plan and deliver the very best possible support. This will allows us to evaluate your request and determine if and how best we may be able to support you and your unit.
Please only complete these form if this is an official request from command.